Unemployment Tax Control Associates hosted their 14th Annual Client Update at the Sheraton Monarch Place Hotel and Conference Center. The UTCA Q&A Game show format returned due to its popularity, along with guest speaker Ross Giombetti of Giombetti & Associates, Inc. and the always humorous and informative Atty. Meghan Sullivan, of Sullivan, Hayes and Quinn, who regaled the group with her unique perspective on recent employment law changes.
It was evident from the smiling faces and program feedback that client’s time spent out of their busy offices for this morning program was again, worth the trip. “We look forward to attending the Annual Client Update every year. We always gain new information from the knowledgeable presenters while having a great time.” – Bruce Leger, Director HR, Rehabilitative Resources, Inc. It was also noted that Betsy Pereira (above right), who flew in from Houston, TX to attend felt the program was a worthwhile event, stating she would be “back again next year” maybe even as a game show competitor!

CEO Suzanne Murphy congratulating gameshow winner, Lynn Greguoli

VP Client Services, Tim Phelan with Besty Pereira of Primary Services, Houston, TX
Atty. Tim Phelan, our emcee, provided interesting and challenging employment scenarios designed to test our client’s knowledge as to whether certain separation situations would result in claim payment. Attendees were all impressed with the depth of knowledge our game show participants possessed and their delight to “play along” with UTCA in front of such sizeable crowd. “I am always struck by the enthusiasm, loyalty and knowledge of our clients and it is never more evident than when we get together for our annual update. We are very fortunate to have such a bright and fun group of individuals to work with” stated Suzanne Murphy, CEO of UTCA.
Ross Giombetti offered helpful and specific guidance on methods for reducing claim incidence, through improved retention practices. He offered positive and effective ways to keep A-Players engaged, to identify those in need of performance management and how to manage communications to support retention and productivity goals. Atty. Meghan Sullivan brought us all up to speed on what the State and Federal governments have been up to, including Union activities and recent Court rulings, along with updates from Wage and Hour and the Department of Labor. Meghan’s presentation was typically sobering and amusing!
UTCA is a service leader providing highly effective unemployment insurance cost management and reduction strategies to employers nationally. UTCA employs this industry’s most knowledgeable staff of professionals, including their own in-house legal staff, claim analysts, appeal administrators, hearing representatives and tax consultants. UTCA assists clients in reducing the costs and complexities of managing their unemployment compensation programs, utilizing a unique pre-emptive approach to dramatically reducing unemployment costs. By providing unparalleled customer solutions, they have earned the reputation as the “blue chip” company in the field of unemployment cost management.