Unemployment Updates

Keep Your Finger on the Pulse of Unemployment Insurance Changes

These regular unemployment updates are written by our team to help you stay current with UI industry trends and changes.

Massachusetts Hikes Unemployent Tax Rates Again!

Despite a relatively healthy UI trust fund, and national trends lowering UI tax rates, the Massachusetts Department of Unemployment Assistance has confirmed that Tax Rate Schedule “E” will officially be enacted as of January 1, 2019. This schedule will effectively...

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Paying for Permanent Vacations?

Rested :    Relaxed :   Returned to Work :  With the arrival of summer, most of us are enjoying the sunshine, flowers, cool breezes, picnics and those much-anticipated vacations. As employers, we balance the day to day operation around staff rotating through their...

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You Can’t Quit, You’re Fired!

  Every state unemployment agency has the enviable job of determining which separation standard applies when an unemployment claim is filed. Seems like a layup (a little March Madness nod), but often it isn’t so clear. Adjudicators must determine whether a...

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Formal warnings result in huge overpayments

The U.S. Government Accountability Office (GAO) recently released their study examining unemployment overpayments on a national level. The study took a very targeted view of states in which claimants are issued formal "warnings" for not meeting their work search...

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Major system reform looming for PA unemployment

      Pennsylvania's unemployment has been a hot topic of discussion in recent weeks. Not in the broad, glowing sense that we are seeing cheery unemployment news covered nationally. While PA is enjoying a decline in their rates of unemployment (4.7...

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UTCA Celebrates 20th Annual Client Update!

This year marked a special milestone for UTCA: The 20th Annual Client Update! The event, held October 5th at the Sheraton Springfield, was an outstanding success with excellent turnout and a fun and educational program enjoyed by all. Employers from across...

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Georgia’s Jobless Rate Decreases as Job Creation Rate Rises

The jobless rate in Georgia has fallen to its lowest levels in almost 10 years as the State's Labor Industry is creating jobs and putting a record number of people back to work. In the month of June alone, over 27,000 jobs were created which is almost double the...

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